Our Work

We assist and empower refugee children and young people so that they can go through their education smoothly. This support is done through a sponsorship system that links refugee children and sponsors that are committed in donating financial means that are used to contribute to the cost of their school fees, education materials and meals during the school period.

School fees

For refugee children that need school fees for their education, we assist them by paying for required fees. These fees are paid for mainly children in secondary schools in countries where that education is not free.

Education materials

We provide education materials needed for refugee children that are in education in order to improve and strengthen their learning. Education materials that are distributed are books, notebooks, pens, pencils etc,….


We assist refugee children from families that are deprived to access meals during the school period. This programme ensure that no refugee child go hungry while in education. 

 To support work and assist our children please make a donation by clicking here.

To become a sponsor of a refugee child or to become a regular donor please complete this application form and agree to our terms and conditions.